The Girl Within Me

Let’s face it! Throughout the day, our hands are occupied with either kids activities or household chores and by the end of the day we are even if the world is going to end, I can not even move my body.

Within this heinous mommy routine cycle of work and kids, somewhere you have to find time for yourselves and rediscover the fun, happening girl you used to be before you become a mom. It does not matter if you are a working mom or stay at home mom, but your time is your time.

I was a stay home mom, but all of 2017 I decided that since the kids have grown up a little, I can start working again. I used to leave by 8.30am, be in downtown by 9.30, work till 4pm, come home at 5pm, pick up kids, take them for some sports, dinner time and had to put them in bed by 8.30pm the latest.

I felt like I was constantly running a marathon..on my feet, on the go.

My husband travels a lot for work so for the majority of time, I felt like a single parent. Our in laws live with us so that is a bonus because they do help me in ways they can. My mother in law will make the food or at times will take care of the kids so I can run errands and I am not dragging my kids with me everywhere.

Then comes weekend where I had few more activities lined up for kids as I did not have time for them on the weekday. In the evenings, we usually had social dinners or outings. Somewhere along this schedule, I felt caught up in a little web of circle.

It was exhaustion upon exhaustion where in the end, I was venting it out on my kids and my husband. It was to the point where I was getting annoyed at small things, getting frustrated and not enjoying work, kids or my life.

There came a point, where I decided to stop everything and take a look at myself.

‘What am I working for?’ ‘My kids are not benefiting from me working, then why am I pushing myself?’

‘What are my likes and dislikes?’ ‘Am I even taking care of myself?’

With all different thoughts entering my head, I realized the answer was simple.

I needed MY TIME! I needed a break.

I felt like somewhere in this web, I had lost touch with who I was. Quite often, when we put on the mommy costume, in raising our kids, we lose in touch with the girl that used to be you. That out going, wild, fun, happy girl within you that has been put to the corner just because you have become a mom.

I realized that just because I am a mom, it does not mean I should forget that girl within me. In fact, I would say to all moms, take 1 hour out of the day and set it aside for your passion, hobbies or what every you like doing. If you do not have an hour, start with 30 minutes. Reconnecting with yourself, you will feel much better, fresh and very positive.

For instance, I had a passion for reading, but after my son was born, slowly my passion just declined because I was caught up with his needs. Just a few months back, I decided to start reading again for 30 minutes. It was this very new feeling of excitement. I felt as if I was on a adventure and this was my mission.

Believe me, I was so happy that I had accomplished reading for 30 minutes in the day. I mean I had done something for myself. It was also weird because I had this positive vibe around me where my kids and husband noticed that I was super happy.

It dawned upon me that with being a mom, I can still keep the girl within me alive. I can be that girl alongside with being a mom. (Sometimes, you meet those “cool” moms who do everything with their kids, are fashionable, are young and energetic – well, I feel it is because of this girl within them).

I encourage moms to keep that girl within them alive because she is the one who will bring the fun and laughter in your tedious mommy cycle.

Follow me as I post tips and things to pamper yourself with.


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May 11, 2018 5:24 pm

As I kept reading ur post, I realized that’s so me😩 giving ur passion sometime from ur busy mommy life,can surely bring a big positive change in u.

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