Back to School 2020?

You know it, I know it, We all know it…that 2021 might not be the same school year we are going to be starting off as we normally do.

Due to Covid, there is so much uncertainty out there regarding schooling options. The main concern by each and every district and parents is to prioritize kids health.

A lot of districts have send out surveys asking parents what option would they prefer for their children. Therefore, I wanted to lay out the few options with the pros and cons so you are confident in making your decision.

I also did an online survey on Facebook and Instagram asking “What option would parents prefer” – virtual or hybrid. On Facebook, 47% said for virtual while 53% said hybrid. On Instagram, 38% voted for virtual while 62% voted for hybrid. Hybrid was the number one choice for most parents.

Distance Learning / Independent Learning

Sample weekly schedule

According to the California Department of Education, distance learning “means instruction in which the student and instructor are in different locations.” Basically, students and teachers are participating in a school structured system and interacting through technology while being at home. This means teachers can use videos, zoom or any technological means to teach.

Here are some pros and cons for Distance Learning Program.

1. No outside factors of kids getting Covid1. It becomes too much on-screen time for kids on their I-pad or laptop.
2. You can get your education from your comfort2. Lot of parents feel that the communication between student and teacher is not the same feel as you would in a traditional setting.
3. It is a great way for teachers to use to teach through various different apps like Kahoot or Google Classroom or Youtube videos on education3. Younger kids need lot of parents help to monitor the class or to even sit through the class. Older kids are able to navigate through technology so may not need as much monitoring. Do require parents attention a lot more.
4. There is a set time assigned to learning throughout the day so the kids are on a daily schedule.4. Parents have to juggle between multiple kids. Parents also have to manage work schedules along with kids routine which puts them in a very tough situation.
5. It also creates a consistent routine and stability for students as lot uncertainty of factors are present due to the rise of Covid.5. Not all students have the necessary technological means. Also, students and teachers have to learn to adapt to technology successfully to make this interaction smoother.

One of my friend, a teacher at La Habra City School District, “As a teacher, I would prefer the hybrid option because I would love to be back in the classroom even if it’s for a short period of time and provide direct face to face instruction. It feels authentic as opposed to distance learning where it is often challenging to connect, teach and assess students due to many external factors.” said Neetu Bhargava. “Having said that, am I worried about student and staff safety? Absolutely! It is definitely going to be challenging to practice social distancing and keep students safe. I am going to do my best, because for me and for most teachers that I know, teaching is a labor of love and that’s what keeps all of us motivated even in these uncertain times.”

Hybrid Learning

The other option which may happen once schools start opening is the Hybrid Learning Program. It is a mixture of in-person and online learning methods. Depending on the district, kids are divided into two groups and then based on your group, you go either twice a week, every other day or the whole week while the other group is simultaneously learning online the days they are home.

1. Schools have a flexibility of allowing certain number of kids in at one time. Thus, they can exercise social distancing amongst small groups.1. The biggest fear is the exposure to getting Covid-19. Also, your kid may be a carrier, not have the symptoms and may pass it on to any family member.
2. Kids can get better attention and help from teachers depending on their needs. For instance, if your kid has speech issues or are in special-ed or low-income families that depend on school. 2. Uncertainty – If one kid or teacher gets it, there is the possibility of the whole school shutting down. Therefore, you are left with the option of Distance Learning.
3. When both parents are working full time, they do not have to worry about day care or trying to find where to put their kids for the days that kids are in school. 3. To clean and sanitize the schools before the new batch comes in is a big task for schools depending on how much staff and funds they have. Also, schools may not have sufficient equipments for schools to monitor tests daily.
4. Socially and emotionally, kids will feel happier to see their friends and classmates instead of being coped up at home.4. According to an article, “Top 10 risks and opportunities for education in the face of COVID-19,” Educators will have to work twice as harder to teach the same material to different groups. Thus they may be overwhelmed and have less support to do their jobs. This is also all very new for them.
5. Students who have special disabilities or particular needs can be met better in person. 5. Also, in an article, “Hybrid School Schedules: More Flexibility; Big Logistical Challenges,” the author mentions that it will be a challenge for districts to align schedules for families with children at different grade levels and at different schools.

However, recently, Governor Newsom laid out the rules for how schools should be opening.

According to the latest guidelines from Governor Newsom, schools or colleges can only open if there has been no Covid cases for consecutive 14 days. Until then, it will be a full-time distance learning method being applied by a lot of districts.

โ€œWe all prefer in-classroom instructions for all the obvious reasons โ€” social, and emotional foundationally. But only, only if it can be done safely,โ€ Newsom said.

He has also specified guidelines for schools that open up such as everyone has to compulsory wear masks, social distancing, and having temperature checks. You can read more at “School classrooms in most California counties wonโ€™t open due to coronavirus surge.”

With the everchanging landscape, we will all have to adapt and try our best to set up the best envoirnment for our kids to learn.

My next article will focus on setting up an optimal learning enviornment for kids so they can maximize distance learning.

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Chirag shah
July 22, 2020 6:08 pm

Great job Dhwani!! Lots of good information!! Thanks for sharing and caring ๐Ÿ™‚

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