Welcome to my mommyhood blog where I hope to share experiences and stories with you. I am currently residing in Los Angeles with my beautiful 3 kids and my love, Ankur. My philosophical, thoughtful and caring son, Aarav, 8 years old, is my darling and my easy kid who does not trouble me much. My girls are fraternal twins, yet they look very identical. Kiara, the elder one by a minute, is my tomboy, loves the color blue, sports and likes to analyze everything before she does anything. Aria, my princess, loves everything pink and cute and her best quality is her smile which is the answer to all her problems. Their day to day activities and problem are what my life revolves around by either trying to solve them or cheering them on.

I am sure you agree that being a mom, we play all the roles possible in the movie. We don the hats of a chef, cleaner, doctor, teacher and many more – some that are even made up along the way as needed like becoming a sports teacher though you have very little knowledge of it. However, at the end of the day, I aim to be my kids friends but still teach them the right manners and principles.

I was born in Bombay, India and lived there till I was 8 years old. Then because of my dads work, we moved to Tokyo,  Japan and I lived there for 12 years. I completed my elementary to high school education at Seisen International School. Japan is my second home and holds lots of memories. My roots are very much Indian, but my manners are very much Japanese so you will probably see influences of both cultures.

I came to L.A. 2004 to earn my bachelors in journalism from CSU Fullerton. It was a culture shock from Japan because both countries are just so different that it took me six months to get over homesickness. In Aug 2006, I was introduced to Ankur. Since, I was living with my aunts family and they were family-friends with Ankur’s family, I happened to meet the whole family quite often. However, in 2004, Ankur had gone to India to for 2 years to study the jewelry buisness. So technically I had met everyone but Ankur! 2008 was the year we decided to tie the knot. We recently celebrated our 10 years and I could not have asked for anyone better than my handsome, smart, caring prince charming to be my best friend and my life partner.

So with that being a brief summary of my life, I also wanted to share my other love with you.

My 2nd love is journalism. I discovered my joy for writing when I had to choose an elective in 9th grade and I chose journalism, ‘The Seisen Post’. I hardly knew what I was signing up for but I had to select something so I selected that. As I learnt the tools for writing, I realized I had a passion for it. I was curious to go cover events, interview people and stories that I could share with everyone. The feeling of discovering something new was like a kid in a candy store who recently discovered a new candy and could not wait to share with his parents.

I remember the first time I had critiqued on an article which got printed in The Japan Times (the biggest English newspaper in Japan).  After that, there was no looking back. I have also written for the The Mountaineer (Mt.SAC) and The Daily Titan (CSUF). The best memories I have is of doing an internship at the Orange County Register. I used to write for the fast food blog under my supervisor Nancy Luna. It was called “The Fast Food Maven.”

My passion took a backseat for a while as I got busy with kids and family life, but now that my kids are little bigger, I hope to share my stories with you.